Only for Women
Only for Women – about reproduction and birth control is, as the title refers to, only for women. The video is a visual brochure, which introduces you to the anatomy of both the man and the woman concerning the process of reproduction. The video also introduces you to the various forms of birth control, which are used by women in the Danish Society, in order to inform the woman and give her the opportunity to choose her own pregnancy. In the film the various forms of birth control will be specific described - how to use them and how each of them prevent women against pregnancy. We meet a woman at her doctor and we experienced a situation, where women are told about reproduction and birth control by a midwife. Only for Women is now on DVD and you can order it on this webside. On the DVD it is possible to watch the movie in several languages. Subtitles: Danish, English, Serbic/Croatic/Bosnian and Turkish. Speak: Danish, Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Somali, French and Turkish.
Duration 40 min.